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[M1] Prodan, I., F.Stoican, S.Olaru and S.-I.Niculescu. Mixed-integer representations in control design : Mathematical foundations and applications.2016, pp. 107,2016. ISBN : 978-3-319-26993-1.

Book Chapters

[B4] Prodan, I., S.Olaru, F.Fontes, F.Pereira, J. deSousa, C.Stoica Maniuet S.-I.Niculescu. «Predictive Control for Path-Following. From Trajectory Generation to the Parametrization of the Discrete Tracking Sequences». In :Developments in Model-Based Optimizationand Control. 2016, pp. 161-181, 2016.

[B3] Strutu, M.-I., F.Stoican,I. Prodan and D.Popescu. «A Geometrical Approach towards Augmented Space Coverage Management.» In :Culture and Computer Science : Cross Media.2015, pp. 77-87, 2015.

[B2] Prodan, I., F.Stoican, S.Olaru, C.Stoica and S.-I.Niculescu. «Mixed-Integer Programming Techniques in Distributed MPC Problems.» In :Distributed MPC made easy. 69. 2012, pp. 273-288,2012.

[B1] Prodan, I., S.Olaru, C.Stoica and S.-I.Niculescu. «On the Tight Formation for Multi-Agent Dynamical Systems.» In :Agents and Multi-agent Systems Technologies and Applications. T. LNAI7372. 2012, pp. 554-565, 2012.


[J18] Prodan, I. and N. T.Nguyen. «Multicopter NMPC design with semi-global stability guarantees».In :IEEE Control Systems Letters (L-CSS)(2020).in preparation/submitted.

[J17] Zafeiratou, I.,I. Prodan and L.Lefèvre. «Constrained optimization for power loss minimization in a meshed DC microgrid». In :International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems(2021).in preparation/submitted.

[J16] Nguyen, N. T. and I. Prodan. « Multicopter stabilization through an NMPC design with a relaxed terminal region ». In : IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics : Systems (2020). in preparation/submitted

[J15] Nguyen, H. T., I. Prodan and F. L. Pereira. « Hierarchical control for hybrid Unmanned Aerial Vehicles ». In : Annual Reviews in Control (2021). in preparation/submitted

[J14] Ioan, D., I. Prodan, S. Olaru, F. Stoican and S.-I. Niculescu. « Mixed-integer programming in motion planning ». In : Annual Reviews in Control 118.5 (2020), pp. 1-27, 2020.

[J13] Tran, N., I. Prodan, E. Grøtli and L. Lefevre. « Safe navigation in a coastal environment of multiple surface vehicles under uncertainties : a combined use of potential field constructions and NMPC ». In : Ocean Engineering 103.3 (2020), pp. 1-32, 2020.

[J12] Nguyen, N. T., I. Prodan and L. Lefèvre. « Stability guarantees for translational thrust-propelled vehicles dynamics through NMPC designs ». In : IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology (2020), pp. 1-13, 2020.

[J11] Pham, T. H., I. Prodan, D. Genon-Catalot and L. Lefèvre. « Economic constrained optimization for power balancing in a DC microgrid : A multi-source elevator system application ». In : International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 118 (2020), pp. 105-153, 2020.

[J10] Zafeiratou, I., I. Prodan, L. Lefèvre and L. Piétrac. « Meshed DC microgrid hierarchical control : A differential flatness approach ». In : Electric Power Systems Research 180 (2020), pp. 106-133, 2020.

[J9] Ioan, D., S. Olaru, I. Prodan, F. Stoican and S.-I. Niculescu. « From Obstacle-Based Space Partitioning to Corridors and Path Planning. A Convex Lifting Approach ». In : IEEE Control Systems Letters 4.1 (2019), pp. 79-84, 2019.

[J8] Nguyen, N. T., I. Prodan and L. Lefèvre. « Flat trajectory design and tracking with saturation guarantees : a nano-drone application ». In : International Journal of Control (2018), pp. 1-14, 2018. ISSN : 0020-7179.

[J7] Stoican, F., I. Prodan and E. I. Grøtli. « Exact and overapproximated guarantees for corner cutting avoidance in a multiobstacle environment ». In : International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control (15 2018), pp. 4528-4548, 2018. ISSN : 1049-8923.

[J6] Prodan, I., E. Zio and F. Stoican. « Fault tolerant predictive control design for reliable microgrid energy management under uncertainties ». In : Energy 91 (2015), pp. 20-34, 2015. ISSN : 0360-5442.

[J5] Prodan, I. and E. Zio. « A model predictive control for reliable microgrid energy management ». In : International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 61.1 (2014), pp. 399-409, 2014. ISSN : 0142-0615.

[J4] Prodan, I., S. Olaru, R. Bencatel, J. Sousa, C. Stoica and S. Niculescu. « Receding Horizon Flight Control for Trajectory Tracking of Autonomous Aerial Vehicles ». In : Control Engineering Practice 21.10 (2013), pp. 1334-1349, 2013. ISSN : 0967-0661.

[J3] Prodan, I., S. Olaru, C. Stoica and S. Niculescu. « Predictive Control for Trajectory Tracking and Decentralized Navigation of Multi-Agent Formations ». In : International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 23.1 (2013), pp. 91-102, 2013. ISSN : 1641-876X.

[J2] Prodan, I., F. Stoican, S. Olaru and S. Niculescu. « Enhancements on the Hyperplanes Arrangements in Mixed-Integer Techniques ». In : Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 154.2 (2012), pp. 549-572, 2012. ISSN : 0022-3239.

[J1] Prodan, I., S. Olaru, S. Stoica and N. S.I. « Path following with collision avoidance and velocity constraints for multi-agent group formations ». In : Annals of the University of Craiova, Series : Automation, Computers, Electronics and Mechatronics 7.34 (2010), pp. 33-38, 2010. ISSN : 1841-0626.


[C61] Prodan, I. and N. T. Nguyen. « Stabilizing a multicopter through an NMPC design with a relaxed terminal region ». In : Proceedings of the 7th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC’21). submitted. Bratislava, Slovakia, 2021, pp. –, 2021.

[C60] Casagrande, V., I. Prodan, S. K. Spurgeon and B. Francesca. « A robust distributed optimization-based MPC for microgrid energy management ». In : Proceedings of the 29th IEEE European Control Conference (ECC’21). accepted. Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2021, pp. –, 2021.

[C59] Stoican, F., A. Postolache and I. Prodan. « NURBS-based trajectory design for motion planning in a multi-obstacle environment ». In : Proceedings of the 29th IEEE European Control Conference (ECC’21). accepted. Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2021, pp. –, 2021.

[C58] Tran, N. and I. Prodan. « Collision-free Trajectory Tracking of Autonomous Vehicles using NMPC ». In : Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Engineering Research and Applications (ICERA 2020). Thai Nguyen, Vietnam, 2020, pp. 588-695, 2020.

[C57] Kiebler, C., I. Prodan, F. Petzke and S. Streif. « Reserve Balancing in a Microgrid System for Safety Analysis ». In : Proceedings of the 21th IFAC World Congress (12-16 juil. 2020). Berlin, Germany, 2020, pp. 1-6, 2020.

[C56] Ioan, D., I. Prodan, S. Olaru, F. Stoican and S. Niculescu. « Navigation in cluttered environments with feasibility guarantees ». In : Proceedings of the 21th IFAC World Congress (12-16 juil. 2020). Berlin, Germany, 2020, pp. 1-6, 2020.

[C55] Nguyen, H. T., N. T. Nguyen, I. Prodan and F. L. Pereira. « Trajectory tracking for a multicopter under a quaternion representation ». In : Proceedings of the 21th IFAC World Congress (12-16 juil. 2020). Berlin, Germany, 2020, pp. 1-6, 2020.

[C54] Zafeiratou, I., I. Prodan and L. Lefevre. « On the flat representation for a particular class of port-Hamiltonian systems ». In : Proceedings of the 21th IFAC World Congress (12-16 juil. 2020). Berlin, Germany, 2020, pp. 1-6, 2020.

[C53] Zafeiratou, I., I. Prodan, F. Boem and L. Lefevre. « Handling power losses in a DC microgrid through constrained optimization ». In : Proceedings of the 21th IFAC World Congress (12-16 juil. 2020). Berlin, Germany, 2020, pp. 1-6, 2020.

[C52] Nguyen, N. T., I. Prodan and L. Lefevre. « Multicopter attitude control through NMPC design with guaranteed stability ». In : Proceedings of the 21th IFAC World Congress (12-16 juil. 2020). Berlin, Germany, 2020, pp. 1-6, 2020.

[C51] Nguyen, N. T., I. Prodan, F. Petzke and S. Streif. « Hierarchical control of a quadcopter under stuck actuator fault ». In : Proceedings of the 21th IFAC World Congress (12-16 juil. 2020). Berlin, Germany, 2020, pp. 1-6, 2020.

[C50] Prodan, I., F. Stoican and C. Louembet. « Necessary and sufficient LMI conditions for constraints satisfaction within a B-spline framework ». In : Proceedings of the 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC’19). Nice, France, 2019, pp. 8061-8066, 2019.

[C49] Ioan, D., I. Prodan, F. Stoican, S. Olaru and S. Niculescu. « Complexity bounds for obstacle avoidance within a zonotopic framework ». In : Proceedings of the IEEE American Control Conference (ACC’19). Philadelphia, USA, 2017, pp. 1556-1563, 2017.

[C48] Ioan, D., S. Olaru, I. Prodan, F. Stoican and S. Niculescu. « Zonotopic-based description of a multi-obstacle environment with feasibility guarantees ». In : Proceedings of the 26th IEEE European Control Conference (ECC’19). Naples, Italy, 2019, pp. 1772-1777, 2019.

[C47] Ioan, D., S. Olaru, I. Prodan, F. Stoican and S.-I. Niculescu. « Parametrized Hyperplane Arrangements for Control Design with Collision Avoidance Constraints ». In : Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation. Edinburgh, Scotland, 2019, pp. 52-59, 2019.

[C46] Stoican, F., I. Prodan, E. I. Grotli and N. T. Nguyen. « Inspection Trajectory Planning for 3D Structures under a Mixed-Integer Framework ». In : Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation. Edinburgh, Scotland, 2019, pp. 132-139, 2019.

[C45] Nguyen, N., I. Prodan and L. Lefevre. « A stablizing NMPC design for thrust-propelled vehicles dynamics via feedback linearization ». In : Proceedings of the IEEE American Control Conference (ACC’19). Philadelphia, USA, 2017, pp. 735-742, 2017.

[C44] Nguyen, N., I. Prodan and L. Lefevre. « On the use of a computed-torque control law for the terminal region of an NMPC scheme ». In : Proceedings of the IEEE American Control Conference (ACC’19). Philadelphia, USA, 2017, pp. 432-439, 2017.

[C43] Hervagault, Y., I. Prodan and L. Lefevre. « Trajectory generation and tracking for aquatic drones with communication constraints guarantees ». In : Proceedings of the 26th IEEE European Control Conference (ECC’19). Naples, Italy, 2019, pp. 96-103, 2019.

[C42] Tran, N., I. Prodan, E. Grøtli and L. Lefevre. « Distributed nonliner optimization-based control for safe navigation in a coastal environment ». In : Proceedings of the 26th IEEE European Control Conference (ECC’19). Naples, Italy, 2019, pp. 588-695, 2019.

[C41] Zafeiratou, I., D. Nguyen, I. Prodan, L. Lefevre and L. Pietrac. « Flatness-Based Hierarchical Control of a Meshed DC Microgrid ». In : Proceedings of the 6th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC’18). Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 2018, pp. 33-40, 2018.

[C40] Tran, N., I. Prodan, E. Grøtli and L. Lefevre. « Potential-Field Constructions in an MPC Framework : Application for Safe Navigation in a Variable Coastal Environment ». In : Proceedings of the 6th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC’18). Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 2018, pp. 51-58, 2018.

[C39] Pham, T., I. Prodan, D. Genon-Catalot and L. Lefevre. « Dissipated energy minimization for an electro-mechanical elevator of a DC microgrid ». In : Proceedings of the 25th IEEE European Control Conference (ECC’18). Limassol, Cyprus, 2017, pp. 17-24, 2017.

[C38] Nguyen, N., I. Prodan and L. Lefevre. « Effective angular constrained trajectory generation for thrust-propelled vehicles ». In : Proceedings of the 25th IEEE European Control Conference (ECC’18). Limassol, Cyprus, 2017, pp. 161-168, 2017.

[C37] Stoican, F., F. Petzke, I. Prodan and S. Streif. « Hierarchical Control with Guaranteed Fault Diagnosability ». In : Proceedings of the 10th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes (SAFEPROCESS). Warsaw, Poland, 2018, pp. 613-618, 2018.

[C36] Zafeiratou, I., I. Prodan, L. Lefèvre and L. Piétrac. « Dynamical modelling of a DC microgrid using a port-Hamiltonian formalism ». In : IFAC-PapersOnLine, Proceedings of the 9th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling 51.2 (2018), pp. 469-474, 2018.

[C35] Stoican, F., I. Prodan, D. Popescu, L. Ichim and V. E. « Mixed-integer representations for mission constraints in a multi-agent team ». In : Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV’18). Singapore, 2018, pp. 613-618, 2018.

[C34] Nguyen, L., I. Prodan, L. Lefevre and D. Genon-Catalot. « Distributed model predictive control of irrigation systems using cooperative controllers ». In : Proceedings of the 20th IFAC World Congress. Toulouse, France, 2017, pp. 6564-6569, 2017.

[C33] Pham, T., I. Prodan, D. Genon-Catalot and L. Lefevre. « Power balancing in a DC microgrid elevator system through constrained optimization ». In : Proceedings of the 20th IFAC World Congress. Toulouse, France, 2017, pp. 19-24, 2017.

[C32] Nguyen, N., I. Prodan, F. Stoican and L. Lefevre. « Reliable nonlinear control for quadcopter trajectory tracking through differential flatness ». In : Proceedings of the 20th IFAC World Congress. Toulouse, France, 2017, pp. 7165-7170, 2017.

[C31] Nguyen, N., I. Prodan and L. Lefevre. « Multi-layer optimization-based control design for quadcopter trajectory tracking ». In : Proceedings of the 25th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED’17). Valletta, Malta, 2017, pp. 601-606, 2017.

[C30] Tran, N. Q. H., I. Prodan and L. Lefèvre. « Nonlinear optimization for multi-agent motion planning in a multi-obstacle environment ». In : Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC’17). IEEE. 2017, pp. 488-493, 2017.

[C29] Stoican, F., I. Prodan and D. Popescu. « Constrained trajectory generation for UAV systems using a B-spline parametrization ». In : Proceedings of the 25th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED’17). Valletta, Malta, 2017, pp. 613-618, 2017.

[C28] Hervagault, Y., I. Prodan and L. Lefevre. « Trajectory generation with communication-induced constraints for surface vehicles ». In : Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC). IEEE. 2017, pp. 482-487, 2017.

[C27] Prodan, I., F. Stoican and E. Grøtli. « Some remarks on potential field constructions in a multi-obstacle environment ». In : Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems (CAMS’16). Trondheim, Norway, 2016, pp. 28-33, 2016.

[C26] Stoican, F., V.-M. Ivănuşcă, I. Prodan and D. Popescu. « Obstacle avoidance via B-spline parametrizations of flat trajectories ». In : Proceedings of the 24th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED’16). Athens, Greece, 2016, pp. 1002-1007, 2016.

[C25] Pham, T., I. Prodan, D. Genon-Catalot and L. Lefèvre. « Efficient energy management for an elevator system under a constrained optimization framework ». In : Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC’15). Sinaia, Romania, 2015, pp. 613-618, 2015.

[C24] Prodan, I., F. Stoican and E. Zio. « On a fault tolerant strategy for efficient energy management in microgrid systems ». In : Proceedings of the 5th IFAC Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Conference (NMPC’15). Seville, Spain, 2015, pp. 458-463, 2015.

[C23] Stoican, F., E. I. Grøtli, I. Prodan et C. Oară. « On corner cutting in multi-obstacle avoidance problems ». In : (2015), pp. 185-190, 2015.

[C22] Han, F., I. Prodan and E. Zio. « A framework of model predictive control for the safety analysis of an electric power microgrid ». In : Proceedings of the 25th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL’15). Zurich, Switzerland, 2015, pp. 185-190, 2015.

[C21] Pham, T., I. Prodan, D. Genon-Catalot and L. Lefèvre. « Port-Hamiltonian model and load balancing for DC-microgrid lift systems ». In : Proceedings of the 5th IFAC Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Non Linear Control. Lyon, France, 2015, pp. 15-22, 2015.

[C20] Stoican, F., I. Prodan and D. Popescu. « Flat trajectory generation for way-points relaxations and obstacle avoidance ». In : Proceedings of the 23th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED’15). Torremolinos, Spain, 2015, pp. 695-700, 2015.

[C19] Prodan, I. and E. Zio. « On the microgrid energy management under a predictive control framework ». In : Proceedings of the IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (MSC’14). Antibes, France, 2014, pp. 861-866, 2014.

[C18] Liu, X., I. Prodan and E. Zio. « Resilience Analysis for Interconnected Systems by a Set-theoretic Approach ». In : Proceedings of the 19th Lambda-Mu Conference. Dijon, France, 2014, pp. 61-67, 2014.

[C17] Stoican, F., I. Prodan, M.-I. Strutu and D. Popescu. « Geometrical interpretation on the coverage problems for a mobile agent ». In : Proceeding of the 18th IEEE International Conference System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC’14). Sinaia, Romania, 2014, pp. 785-790, 2014.

[C16] Liu, X., I. Prodan et E. Zio. « On the resilience analysis of interconnected systems by a set-theoretic approach ». In : Proceedings of the 24th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ES-REL’14). Wroclaw, Poland, 2014, pp. 197-205, 2014.

[C15] Prodan, I. and E. Zio. « An optimization-based control approach for reliable microgrid energy management under uncertainties ». In : Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Integration of Stochastic Energy in Power Systems (ISEPS). Bucharest, Romania, 2013, pp. 4-7, 2013.

[C14] Prodan, I. and E. Zio. « Predictive control for reliable microgrid energy management under uncertainties ». In : Proceedings of the 22nd European Safety and Reliability (ESREL’13). Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2013, pp. 2919-2924, 2013.

[C13] Prodan, I., S. Olaru, F. Fontes, C. Stoica and S. Niculescu. « A predictive control-based algorithm for path following for autonomous aerial vehicles ». In : Proceedings of the IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control. Hyderabad, India, 2013, pp. 1042-1047, 2013.

[C12] Stoican, F., I. Prodan and S. Olaru. « Hyperplane arrangements in mixed-integer programming techniques. Collision avoidance application with zonotopic sets ». In : Proceedings of the IEEE European Control Conference (ECC’13). Zurich, Switzerland, 2013, pp. 3155-3160, 2013.

[C11] Strutu, M.-I., F. Stoican, I. Prodan, D. Popescu and S. Olaru. « A characterization of the relative positioning of mobile agents for full sensorial coverage in an augmented space with obstacles ». In : Proceedings of the IEEE 21st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED’13). Crete, Greece, 2013, pp. 936-941, 2013.

[C10] Prodan, I., G. Bitsoris, S. Olaru, C. Stoica and S.-I. Niculescu. « Constrained Control Design for Linear Systems with Geometric Adversary Constraints ». In : Proceedings of the 5th IFAC Symposium System Structure and Control (IFAC SSSC’13) (2013), pp. 815-820, 2013.

[C9] Prodan, I., R. Bencatel, S. Olaru, J. Sousa, C. Stoica and S. Niculescu. « Predictive Control for Autonomous Aerial Vehicles Trajectory Tracking ». In : Proceedings of the IFAC Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Conference. Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 2012, pp. 508-513, 2012.

[C8] Prodan, I., G. Bitsoris, S. Olaru, C. Stoica and S. Niculescu. « On the Limit Behavior for Multi-Agent Dynamical Systems ». In : Proceedings of the IFAC Workshop on Navigation, Guidance and Control of Underwater Vehicles. Porto, Portugal, 2012, pp. 106-111, 2012.

[C7] Prodan, I., S. Olaru, C. Stoica and S. Niculescu. « Predictive control for trajectory tracking and decentralized navigation of Multi-Agent formations ». In : Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence. Vilamoura, Portugal, 2012, pp. 206-214, 2012.

[C6] Prodan, I., S. Olaru, C. Stoica and S.-I. Niculescu. « Predictive control for tight group formation of Multi-Agent Systems ». In : Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress. Milan, Italy, 2011, pp. 138-143, 2011.

[C5] Prodan, I., S. Olaru, C. Stoica and S. Niculescu. « On the limit behavior of Multi-agent Systems ». In : Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics. Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 2011, pp. 344-349, 2011.

[C4] Stoican, F., I. Prodan and S. Olaru. « On the hyperplanes arrangements in mixed-integer techniques ». In : Proceedings of the 30th American Control Conference (ACC’11). San Francisco, California, USA, 2011, pp. 1898-1903, 2011.

[C3] Stoican, F., I. Prodan and S. Olaru. « Enhancements on the hyperplane arrangements in mixed integer techniques ». In : Proceedings of the 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference (CDC-ECC’11). Orlando, Florida, USA, 2011, pp. 3986-3991, 2011.

[C2] Prodan, I., S. Olaru, C. Stoica and S. Niculescu. « Collision avoidance and path following for multi-agent dynamical systems ». In : Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Control Automation and Systems. Seoul, Korea, 2010, pp. 1930-1935, 2010.

[C1] Prodan, I., S. Olaru, C. Stoica and S. Niculescu. « Path Following with Collision Avoidance and Velocity Constraints for Multi-Agent Group Formations ». In : Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTSS’10). Sinaia, Romania, 2010, pp. 130-136, 2010.

Invited Papers

[W9] Ben Ayed, A., D. Dochain, I. Prodan and C. E. R. Rodriguez. « Analysis and control of interconnected systems : definition of agents ». In : Abstract paper at the 39th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control. Elspeet, The Netherlands, 2020, pp. 1-4, 2020.

[W8] Ben Ayed, A., D. Dochain, I. Prodan and C. E. R. Rodriguez. « Analysis and control of interconnected systems ». In : Abstract paper at the 38th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control. Leuven, Belgium, 2019, pp. 1-4, 2019.

[W7] Nguyen, N., I. Prodan and L. Lefevre. « NMPC Design with Invariance Induced by a Computed-Torque Control Law ». In : Abstract paper at the 6th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC’18). Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 2018, pp. 1-4, 2018.

[W6] Nguyen, N., I. Prodan and L. Lefevre. « Multi-layer optimization-based control design for quad copter trajectory tracking ». In : The 20th IFAC World Congress, Open invited track GDR MACS, the 20th IFAC World Congress. Toulose, France, 2017, pp. 253-260, 2017.

[W5] Zafeiratou, I., I. Prodan, L. Lefevre and L. Pietrac. « Control and optimization scheduling within a meshed DC microgrid ». In : Open invited track GDR MACS, the 20th IFAC World Congress. Toulouse, France, 2017, pp. 1-4, 2017.

[W4] Hervagault, Y., I. Prodan and L. Lefevre. « Trajectory generation under communication constraints for an environment monitoring autonomous surface vehicle ». In : Open invited track GDR MACS, the 20th IFAC World Congress. Toulose, France, 2017, pp. 1-4, 2017.

[W3] Prodan, I. and F. Stoican. « Mixed integer representations in control design : theoretical results and applications ». In : Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Computational Optimization (EUCCO’16) (12 sept. 2016-14 sept. 2020). Leuven, Belgium, 2016, pp. 1-6, 2016.

[W2] Stoican, F., I. Prodan, C. Ocampo-Martinez and V. Puig. « Interval model identification in the frequency domain by using mixed-integer representations ». In : Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Computational Optimization (EUCCO’16) (12 sept. 2016-14 sept. 2020). Leuven, Belgium, 2016, pp. 1-6, 2016.

[W1] Stoican, F., I. Prodan and E. Grøtli. « A mixed-integer implementation of the corner cutting problem in a multi-obstacle environment ». In : Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Computational Optimization (EUCCO’16) (12 sept. 2016-14 sept. 2020). Leuven, Belgium, 2016, pp. 1-6, 2016.